Kaiser International Healthgroup offers its Senior Care plan that will cover them in times when they need it the most.
Kaiser International’s Senior Care plan is specially designed for those ages 61 years of age and up.
Our Senior citizens are one of the most vulnerable populations in the country and they deserve much attention and care. Unfortunately, most health insurance companies end their coverage when you reach the age of 65. Ironically, as they reach that age, different ailments come in.
It may be hard to find a senior care health plan for senior citizens in the Philippines that provides health insurance coverage and medical benefits. But thankfully, there are still great options available.
The Senior Care plan reimburses hospitalization expenses based on coverage. Reimbursement may be done midway through hospitalization provided confinement is coverable and required documents are submitted. Plus they will have a choice in their doctors, hospitals, and specialist. These are just a few of the benefits that Kaiser International’s Senior Care offers that most health insurances won’t have at this moment.
Our senior citizens deserve the care the most and Kaiser International helps every Filipino to give the care to our seniors.
To learn more about Kaiser’s Senior Care plan, you can check out their website here: https://kaiserhealthgroup.com.