What causes your High Blood Pressure/Hypertension to shoot up?


Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the leading health problems that every Filipino faced. So what causes the rise of high blood pressure? how it can be controlled? 

Hypertension, more popularly known as high blood pressure, is when the heart works harder to pump blood out to the body and contributes to the hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, to stroke, kidney disease, and heart failure.

The normal blood pressure is less than 120 on top and less than 80 on the bottom. Anything beyond those numbers gives you the signal that you are having hypertension. 

What were then the causes of high blood pressure? The exact causes of high blood pressure are not known, yet several factors may play a role in shooting up your blood pressure, including unhealthy choices like smoking, excess weight, an unhealthy diet, and too much alcohol consumption among others. Genetics are also at play if one or a generation of your family suffers from hypertension. 

If you are experiencing discomfort like dizziness, a certain pain in your neck, or looking pale, you need to get checked immediately to determine if you are having hypertension. As you get checked by your doctor, you are most likely to be recommended different medications that you have to intake as your maintenance medicines and a change of lifestyle – in most cases. 

Always keep a monitor on your blood pressure so you can make an immediate response to lower it down. What better way to reduce the risk of having your blood pressure shoot us is to have a healthy lifestyle to help you avoid blood pressure problems or fluctuations.

Get checked today in Kaiser Medical Clinics Located near you.

What causes your High Blood Pressure/Hypertension to shoot up?

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